Industrial Development of Water Flow Glazing Systems
InDeWaG at Euronews
Under the title Liquid windows and the energy-efficient buildings of tomorrow InDeWaG's recent developments are subject of a TV documentation at Euronews on the award-winning programme Futuris.
Courtesy of Euronews
InDeWaG's Demonstrational Pavilion
Fluid Flow Glazing Elements have been implemented into a Demonstrational Pavilion, located in Sofia on the premise of the Bulgarian Academy of Science. The construction works are completed and and the Fluid Flow Glazing Facades are under scientific investigation.
Since the official opening ceremony that took place on October 10th, 2019 InDeWaG's demonstrator is now open for everyone.
28.08.2019 - Advanced Building Skins 2019 - InDeWaG is participating on the 14th Conference on Advanced Building Skins will take place on 28-29 October, 2019 in Bern, Switzerland.
17.08.2019 - The interior of InDeWaG's demonstrational pavilion takes shape.
04.07.2019 - Radio interview with Associate Prof. Miglena Nikolaeva-Dimitrova to the Bulgarian National Radio about InDeWaG technology and the construction of the demonstrational pavilion in Sofia.
20.06.2019 - 'Science is Wonderful!’ - On 25. and 26.09.2019 InDeWaG is participating in the free exhibition organised by the European Commission.

The Horizon 2020 Energy Challenge is designed to support the transition to a secure, clean and efficient energy system for Europe. The Work Programme 'Secure, clean and efficient energy' is split into three focus areas: Energy-efficiency, Low carbon technologies, and Smart Cities & Communities.
The total budget for the Energy Efficiency call amounts to approximately €100 million for 2014 and a further €100 million for 2015.
Under the EU framework programme Horizon 2020, a contractual Public Private Partnership on Energy-efficient Buildings sets to develop affordable breakthrough technologies and solutions at building and district scale, facilitating the road towards future smart cities. High-tech building industry will turn energy efficiency into a sustainable business. Research and innovation priorities are disseminated among stakeholders across Europe and aim at deliver technologies for a new sustainable and competitive European construction industry.